Rapid re-housing has the potential to end homelessness by connecting individuals and families to home and services quickly. Rapid re-housing provides homeless individuals with short-term rental housing assistance and services. The goal of this solution is to help obtain housing quickly that promotes individuals self-sufficiency and helps them stay housed. Rapid re-housing is offered without any preconditions, such as employment, income, criminal record and sobriety. The services provided through rapid re-housing are usually tailored to the person in need. The core components of rapid re-housing are housing identification, rent and move-in assistance and case management services.
The first component of rapid re-housing is housing identification. At this stage, the most important thing is finding housing quickly. This can be a difficult undertaking due to the high-cost and low vacancy market at this time. To combat this, programs need to recruit landlords continuously even if people are not in need of it. The more partnerships created, the greater the opportunity when there is need for it. It is also important that the housing is appropriate for participants. This means that the residence is safe, decent, and will be affordable when assistance ends. Additionally, make sure the participant has a choice in their housing.
Secondly, rent and move-in assistance is provided to help with the costs that are associated with getting into housing. The amount and duration of this assistance may vary, but should at a minimum be enough to help individuals secure a place to live. Therefore, this assistance is not a standard package, but a flexible service that meets unique needs of the individual. This is important to remember when housing costs and financial circumstances change.
Finally, the goal of case management is to help individuals become stable after they have secured housing. This is accomplished by connecting people to services and support if needed. Case management also focuses on helping people navigate the barriers that may be in the way of securing and maintaining housing. It also strives to help build a support system for the individuals through people and programs in their community. Rapid re-housing may end when the individual or family is no longer experiencing homelessness, but case management can continue if it is appropriate or requested.
Individuals that receive rapid re-housing assistance are known to experience homelessness for shorter periods of time than those assisted at a shelter or with transitional housing. This assistance is also a less expensive alternative to providing assistance to the homeless population. Not only is it important to provide housing, but also provided resources and support for continued success.
Contact Homeless for the Humanity today to see how you can help the less fortunate in your community.